C6 Project: TASKr

At InceptionU, we are very proud of our learners and what they can accomplish in just six short months. It’s an intense deep dive into the world of coding, software development, critical thinking, teamwork and problem-solving. Over the course of the program, they deepen their knowledge of programming and spend the last three months building a software program which they present on Demo Day. In this series, we introduce you to our learners and invite you to see for yourself their creativity, design skills, teamwork and problem-solving skills. These projects represent months of hard work and, ultimately, helped many of our learners connect and find jobs with some of Calgary’s leading tech companies. Enjoy and share this post with a friend or colleague who you think might find it interesting.


Art Treleaven

Ben Isenstein

Chloe Silvester

Donna Dempsey


Every homeowner seems to have an endless list of tasks that need to be completed - everything from purging the hot water tank, to changing furnace filters and keeping up maintenance on a hot tub. Keeping track of these tasks can be challenging, especially for those with multiple properties.

What they built:

TASKr is a recurring home management app that helps you take great care of your home by recommending tasks based on industry standards for items in your home. It creates lists, notifications when tasks are due and can even help connect you to home service professionals. It also tracks the costs of the tasks, allowing you to set a home maintenance budget and manage expenses on a year-by-year basis, prioritizing some tasks over others.

Note: Team member Ben Isenstein created his own Super Form (by importing and customizing widgets) for this project. He has made the Super Form publicly available for others to use. Bravo, Ben - way to give back to the developer community! Take a look!

Facilitator’s Comments: Tony Enerson

“It’s a great idea! I like that it had so many directions for them to improve their learning. They could bring in maps, data analysis, the basic to-do lists and the email reminders. They built it like it was a startup and, by the end, it very launchable."


What are you reading, Greg Hart?


C6 Project: Blue Space