Networking app encourages connections in Calgary’s tech community

At InceptionU, we are very proud of our learners and what they can accomplish in just six short months. It’s an intense deep dive into the world of coding, software development, critical thinking, teamwork and problem solving.

Over the course of the program they deepen their knowledge of programming and spend the last three months building an actual software program which they present on Demo Day. In this series, we introduce you to our learners and invite you to see for yourself their creativity, design skills, teamwork and problem-solving skills. These projects represent months of hard work and, ultimately, helped many of our learners connect and find jobs with some of Calgary’s leading tech companies. Enjoy and share this post with a friend or colleague who you think might find it interesting.


Kery Long - Database Manger

Siddharth “Sid” Chopra - server side specialist 

Danny Nguyen, JavaScript Compiler

Shaun Derrick - Front End Manager 

Debbie Butt - Product Owner




This team wanted to build a networking app for the tech community in Calgary. Sometimes there are so many events happening, it’s hard to keep track. And, a quick Google search of networking events in Alberta delivers more than 2-million results on Google! Their idea was to help unite Alberta’s tech community in a convenient and easy-to-use platform.

What they built: 

The team built Fusion, a networking app that tracks and identifies a database of tech events in Alberta. The events are sorted by dates and users have the ability to submit events, request information and register for events online, saving time and making networking fun and easy. Their end goal was to help build the burgeoning tech industry in Alberta, bringing together a variety of professionals including full stack developers, data scientists, machine learning scientists and others. This app utilizes the Mernstack.

Take a look and see for yourself!

Facilitator’s comments: Greg Fenton

“They took the customer’s spreadsheet and figured out a way to build a web interface that would allow the customer to go in and add new events and users could go in and search events. It was solving a specific business problem and doing it in a way that leveraged the technologies we had done. While perhaps it didn’t have a lot of marketability, it definitely hit on the usability and functionality.”

Lindsay Hill

Marketing, branding and communications are my passion. They are also my job, which makes for a pretty interesting work week. I get energized by seeing the potential in a company, a project or marketing initiative and live for the moment when I can see my work executed and really making a difference. I have a creative heart and a strategic brain.

InceptionU - Origin Story